6 December 2016


Unfortunately this is yet another post without any pretty blog worth images. For once not due to my laziness but due to the fact this post comes to you at 5am from a hospital bed...WOOPS!

At the end of week 31 I was admitted back onto the antenatal ward for further monitoring of my blood pressure and confirmed preeclampsia. OH FUN! This time I was thankfully more prepared with a lovely little MiFi router so I can spend my days watching Greys Anatomy with copious amounts of snacky food because, well, pregnancy. I also had a set of steroid injections this week to mature our little man's lungs just in case he decides to make an early appearance - FYI, most painful injection I've ever had. I am not ashamed to say I shed a slight tear!

28 November 2016


Last week was my final week in double figures - HOLY CRAP! - and what a week it's was. After a precautionary visit to the triage ward over a bit of abdominal pain we uncovered that my blood pressure was sky high. I've then been monitored over a 3 day period in and out of hospital. As it turns out, I am currently on the cusp of Pre Eclampsia with protein in my pee and my lowest blood pressure being borderline. This all came on rather suddenly as only 3 days before I had my usual midwife visit which was perfectly normal. I was then admitted onto the labour ward for constant monitoring for 4 days and put on blood pressure medication to try and bring my BP down. I finally escaped on Friday. We also had our first antenatal class the weekend previous which was actually a lot more fun than I thought. Unfortunately I had to miss the second session due to being so poorly!

14 November 2016


As I mentioned in my latest update post - you can catch up here - last month I had my Glucose Tolerance Test - also referred to as GTT. As I've not had the greatest of pregnancy's and as my BMI is a bit on the chunky side I was referred for this by a consultant after my 20 week scan. I'd heard no end of stories and hardly slept the night before preparing myself for the horrific event, frantically Googling for all the information I could find. In reality though it wasn't that bad at all. Afterwards I thought I would share my experience in hopes it might chill a few first timers out - or at least give them something very honest to read 3am before their test! I apologise in advance as I do have a bit of a moan about my hospital, but it should mostly be informative. It is also terribly long - sorry about that!

7 November 2016


As my second trimester comes to a close, I thought it's time to reflect a little on the last 3 months and impart my wisdom on those currently entering what some will call "the best part" of pregnancy. Just so you know, that is completely tongue in cheek and in no way am I an expert - LOL! - I just wanted to share with you what my go-to things have been and how much of a godsend they were! If you missed my post for the First Trimester you can read it here :)

4 November 2016


Ok, so this post is a little behind schedule! Our little munchkin was a tad awkward at our 20 week scan so I had to hold off with this post until 23 weeks! Then obviously I had a few technical issues so we are currently pushing 28 weeks! But still...better late than never!